For anyone interested in the Alfa Romeo Montreal, spica thermostatic actuator or information about the Montreal Engine, here might be some useful pictures about my engine revision!
For further information refer to Bruce Taylors awesome “Alfa Romeo Montreal Homepage”
A good portion of my site consists of pictures and galleries which is easier for me to publish than pure text. I think there is no nostrum for
problems with the Montreal, and most of the questions have been answered by the Forum. If not, my experience is that each member will take care to resolve it or at least give a hint. Membership is open and the forum is free. You can subscribe to the Montreal forum on Bruce Taylors Hompage.
Thanks a lot for everybody who visited my site, there were about 375,000 accesses up to now (May/June 2006).
Special greetings to Bruce, HDN and all members of the Montreal Forum!